Index - MapsModified: 24/8/2010 19:37:14
This page includes maps and information about all the districts, regions and areas in Far Cry 2.
Table of content
Table of contentLeboa-Sako (Northern District)
Table of contentNorth-West
Table of contentNorth
Table of contentNorth-East
Table of contentWest
Table of contentCenter (Pala)
Table of contentEast
Table of contentSouth-West
Table of contentSouth
Table of contentSouth-East
Table of contentCentral Desert
Table of contentBowa Seko (Southern District)
Table of contentNorth-West
Table of contentNorth
Table of contentNorth-East
Table of contentWest
Table of contentCenter (Mosate Selao)
Table of contentEast
Table of contentSouth-West
Table of contentSouth
Table of contentSouth-East
Global detailed map (Click to view large version)
Global detailed map
There are two districts in Far Cry 2: The northern district of Leboa-Sako and the southern Bowa Seko. Each district is divided into 9 regions, and an additional region, the central desert, lies in between connecting the two districts. This page includes maps for each region, and I have also constructed large and detailed maps of each district; these are made from the in-game maps, so the colors and borders of each region in these maps may be a bit off - however, I still hope they will prove useful if you wish to get a larger picture of a district, or if you wish to print out a map to have as a reference while playing Far Cry 2; I have also added icons for both Jackal Tapes and golden AK-47's to the large maps. To the right you can also find a map that covers both districts along with the desert connecting them. There are a total of 221 diamond briefcases and 16 Jackal Tapes scattered all over Leboa-Sako and Bowa Seko.
Leboa-Sako (Northern District)Back to top
Global detailed map of Leboa-Sako (Click to view large version)
Global detailed map of Leboa-Sako
Leboa-Sako is the northern district that is featured in Far Cry 2 and the place where you'll start the game. It features a total of 10 different regions each unqiue in their own way. Leboa-Sako is very diverse in its setting as it features everything from the dryest of dry deserts to the most dense and damp rain-forests. Rivers and lakes are abundandt, making travel by water convenient. Most of the regions also have unique areas that set them apart; you'll come across vast shantytowns, defunct railyards, a lumber yard, a giant scrap heap, and even an old (almost abandoned) fort. The only town in this region is Pala, located at the center of the district; this region also features Mike's Bar which, as the title states, houses the local bar as well as a Weapons Shop. A total of five Bus Stops also ensures that you can quick-travel between most parts of the district without having to deal with the local militia or worry about running down wild-life.

There are a total of 112 diamond briefcases (116 with the central desert included) and 8 Jackal Tapes in Leboa-Sako.

North-WestBack to top
North-West (Click to view large version)
This region is characterized by open plains and rocky hills and it has only a small section of the river to the south-east. There is a Weapons Shop in the south-west part and a Bus Stop to the north-east. There are three named areas here: Cattle Xing which is a small cattle farm, North Railyard which is an old train yard filled with defunct cars, and PetroSahel, a fuel repository to the far north. The area only has a couple of Checkpoints. There is an Underground HQ to the south. A Jackal Tape can be found close to the center of the area at an observation post.
NorthBack to top
North (Click to view large version)
This area is dominated by rocky hills that turns the entire area to a giant maze, with only a few open areas to the north. There is a Weapons Shop in the north-eastern part of the region, and safehouses are scattered all around. The only named area here, Shwasana, is a large fishing-village built above the water located to the south-west. There is only a small section of the river going through this area, from the south-west towards the east, going past Shwasana and a small shantytown to the south-east.
North-EastBack to top
North-East (Click to view large version)
Most of this region is inaccessible due to the massive hills and mountains dominating the south-western and central part. Roads follow the edge going around the hills on the border of the desert. The region features three named areas. Goka Falls features a large and beautiful waterfall at the heart of the scaling cliffs, the Fort resembles an old colonial fort at the top of a hill, and the Oasis is an isolated area in the desert featuring water, some vegetation and the crumbling remains of a small village. A Bus Stop can be found to the far east. A Jackal Tape can be found near a shelter right where the railroad track leaves the area to the north.
WestBack to top
West (Click to view large version)
There are two named areas in this region; the Police Station consists of a couple of buildings and an observation post, and Scrap Salvage is a large scrapyard with everything you'd expect.
Center (Pala)Back to top
Center (Pala) (Click to view large version)
Center (Pala)
The central region of Leboa-Sako houses the only town, Pala, in the district; this is where you'll find the local church as well as the headquarters of the two factions. You'll start the tutorial of the game in one of the four named areas: Slaughter House, Fresh Fish, Cock-Fights or Lumber. Directly south of Pala you can find Mike's Bar where you'll find a Weapons Shop along with the local Bar.
EastBack to top
East (Click to view large version)
The river flows in the northern part of this region twisting its way past the two named areas, "Private Property" and OGC, finally heading north in the far north-eastern corner. The first area, "Private Property", is dominated by a large mansion at the north; the "private" part of the name seems appropriate as the area has its own Checkpoint to the south. A pier is located by the river. OGC appears to be a small plantation with two large greenhouses, surrounded by a handful of growing fields.

A Jackal Tape is located right next to a diamond briefcase in the south-western part of the region, inside a half-buried bus. A Weapons Shop is located in the southern part of the region.

South-WestBack to top
South-West (Click to view large version)
This region is dominated by open fields with only a couple of hills scattered in between. In the northern part the river ends in a small lake. There is a Bus Stop to the south, and a Weapons Shop lies to the south-west. The region connects to the Central Desert that lies to the south, allowing access to Bowa Seko. There's also an Underground HQ here, and west of it (north-east of the Weapons Shop) - on top of a cliff - you can find both a Jackal Tape and a golden AK-47.
SouthBack to top
South (Click to view large version)
The river runs from the north to the east in this region. It has two named areas in it; Claes Products appears to be an old manufacturing plant no longer in operation. To the south lies the Airfield.
South-EastBack to top
South-East (Click to view large version)
The central part of this region is characterized by large cliffs and open fields. A small section of the river run from the west towards the center where it ends. There are two named areas here. Mokuba is a large shantytown in the north-western corner of the region; it's dominated by makeshift shacks and shelters. The Oasis to the south-east is a small, isolated area featuring water and vegetation in the desert. The region has a Bus Stop to the west, and an Underground HQ is located to the south-west.

A golden AK-47 can be found behind a bush right where the river ends.

Central DesertBack to top
Central Desert (Click to view large version)
Central Desert
This is a desolate area with only one road running from the north-western part to the south. Railroad tracks also run through the region however a large section has now been covered by sand. The Central Desert connects the two districts - Leboa-Sako in the north and Bowa Seko to the south. Although you can access this area from the start in Leboa-Sako, you wont be able to fully explore it until later in the game (when you get access to Bowa Seko). Until then, expect to pass out alot if you do venture too far into this area. While you're restricted to Leboa-Sako I suggest you only attempt to pick up the first two diamond briefcases, both in the northern part of the region.

Bowa Seko (Southern District)Back to top
Global detailed map of Bowa Seko (Click to view large version)
Global detailed map of Bowa Seko
You'll get access to Bowa Seko after you've done the fourth mission (for the APR or UFLL) in Leboa-Sako. In Bowa Seko you'll generally encounter more and better equipped enemies. Checkpoints tend to boast more enemies, and both snipers and enemies with rocket launchers are more common. In some of the named areas you may also come under fire from enemies with mortars - these are more usually annoying than dangerous, but locating the person firing at you can sometimes be tricky. Bowa Seko is also diverse in its setting; you'll find open plains and towering cliffs and rocks. The rivers don't stretch out as far as in Leboa-Sako, however the area does have a large lake in the central and south-eastern section.

There are a total of 105 diamond briefcases and 8 Jackal Tapes in Bowa Seko.

North-WestBack to top
North-West (Click to view large version)
A Bus Stop is available in the north-eastern corner of the region; a Weapons Shop is located on the western side of the region. A Jackal Tape is located near the end of the river in the south-western part of the region. Sefapane is the local town.
NorthBack to top
North (Click to view large version)
This region features three named areas: Dogon Village, Outpost and Sediko.
North-EastBack to top
North-East (Click to view large version)
The north part is dominated by large fields of dry grass. The region has two named areas in it: Crash Site and Sepoko.
WestBack to top
West (Click to view large version)
Named areas include Dental Clinic, Ranger Station and Post Office.
Center (Mosate Selao)Back to top
Center (Mosate Selao) (Click to view large version)
Center (Mosate Selao)
This region features the "capital" of Bowa Seko: Mosate Selao. This town features the local clinic along with the headquarters of both the UFLL and the APR. The is a Bus Stop located at the pier south of the town, and a Weapons Shop can be found in the north-eastern corner of the region. A Jackal Tape is located inside a hut on the islands in the south-eastern corner.
EastBack to top
East (Click to view large version)
Polytechnic used to be an educational facility but it's now occupied by the faction militia. The Airfield I guess is the airport of the district. Rail Xing is an area featuring a massive railroad bridge high above the river flowing below. A Cellular Antenna can be found in the north-eastern part of the region, close to the border. A Jackal Tape can be found near a crashed plane by the shore of the river near the broken bridge in the north-eastern part of the region.
South-WestBack to top
South-West (Click to view large version)
This region has two large areas in it: Weelegol Village appears to be an old fishing village, and tucked in between some large cliffs you'll find TaeMoCo Mine featuring some sort of mining operation.
SouthBack to top
South (Click to view large version)
This region features a large portion of lake Sehlakalase, and along the shore on the southern side you'll find some massive pipelines leading from M-S Pipeline through M-S Pipeline Company, ending at the Bowaseko Brewing Co.. At the southern border you'll find the secluded Prison. A Cellular Antenna is located on western side of the region, just north of M-S Pipeline.
South-EastBack to top
South-East (Click to view large version)
Only the north-western part of this region is accessible during the majority of the game; you'll find the local Bar here at the Marina which also features a Weapons Shop; a Bus Stop is available in the northern part of the region. Towards the end of the game you'll get access to the other named areas here: Heart of Darkness, the Swamp, Landing Zone and an area with no official name - however I refer to it as Jungle Bivouac.

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