Index - WeaponsModified: 26/8/2010 17:54:11
This page lists all the weapons available to you in Far Cry 2; mounted and thrown weapons are not included.

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Table of content
Table of contentPistols
Table of contentShotguns
Table of contentSubmachineguns
Table of contentAssault Rifles
Table of contentSniper Rifles
Table of contentMachineguns
Table of contentGrenade Launchers
Table of contentRocket Launchers
Table of contentOther
All the weapons include descriptions, ammunition types, and images which you can click to see what the weapon looks like in-game. You can see the cost of each weapon and their upgrades; I've also included some personal thoughts as well as information about where or how to obtain the weapons. Weapon statistics are also included, as well as an average of these - the latter doesn't indicate the best weapons as such, but serves as a decent comparison basis for different weapons of the same type. You can also see the impact of weapon upgrades - these are shown as green bars and the second percentage for the applicable stats (accuracy, reliability and average).

Most weapons are prone to jamming; as you use a particular weapon it'll slowly get worn which is evident in two ways. First off, a weapon will slowly get dirty and grow rust so you can often judge the condition of a weapon simply by looking at it; some of the screenshots on this page will show weapons in various conditions. Second, as a weapon gets worn it becomes more and more likely to jam or misfire; a jam can be cleared by tapping the Reload button. A weapon in extremely poor condition may eventually explode in your hands; while this (as far as I know) isn't really dangerous, it does mean that you'll have to find a replacement weapon if it happens. For more information about weapons, reliability, ammunition, and more, please refer to the Game Mechanics page.

Eagle.50Back to top
Pistol (Secondary)Cost: 10DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 3DiamondsReliability upgrade: 3Diamonds 
Eagle.50 (Click to view large version)
The Desert Eagle is a semi-automatic gas operated pistol designed by Magnum Research in the United States. The Mark VII and XIX series uses .50 inch caliber rounds.
Damage2.5 of 5 (50%)50%
Range1.5 of 5 (30%)30%
Accuracy3.5 of 5 (70%)Upgraded: 4.0 of 5 (80%)70% / 80%
Reliability2.5 of 5 (50%)Upgraded: 3.0 of 5 (60%)50% / 60%
Fire Rate1.0 of 5 (20%)20%
Average2.2 of 5 (44%)Upgraded: 2.4 of 5 (48%)44% / 48%
Uses standard ammunition. Holds clip with 8 rounds.
This weapon is unlocked automatically and is available at the Weapons Shop when you gain access to Bowa Seko.
MakarovBack to top
Pistol (Secondary)Cost: 4DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 1DiamondsReliability upgrade: 1Diamonds 
Makarov (Click to view large version)
The Makarov PM is a semi-automatic pistol designed in the late 1940s by Nikolai Makarov. It has seen a long service history in the Soviet Union, and undergone quite a few design changes over time. It is known for its simplicity, economy, easy manufacturing, accuracy, and reasonable killing power. The pistol uses a special variant of 9x18 mm rounds.
Damage1.0 of 5 (20%)20%
Range1.0 of 5 (20%)20%
Accuracy4.5 of 5 (90%)Upgraded: 5.0 of 5 (100%)90% / 100%
Reliability3.0 of 5 (60%)Upgraded: 3.5 of 5 (70%)60% / 70%
Fire Rate2.0 of 5 (40%)40%
Average2.3 of 5 (46%)Upgraded: 2.5 of 5 (50%)46% / 50%
Uses standard ammunition. Holds clip with 8 rounds.
This weapon can be bought from the Weapons Shop. It's available from the start of the game. Many militia carry this pistol as a sidearm.
Silent Makarov 6P9Back to top
Pistol (Secondary)Cost: 6DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 2DiamondsReliability upgrade: 2Diamonds 
Silent Makarov 6P9 (Click to view large version)
Silent Makarov 6P9
This is basically the same weapon as the Makarov except that it's fitted with a silencer.
Damage1.0 of 5 (20%)20%
Range1.0 of 5 (20%)20%
Accuracy4.5 of 5 (90%)Upgraded: 5.0 of 5 (100%)90% / 100%
Reliability3.0 of 5 (60%)Upgraded: 3.5 of 5 (70%)60% / 70%
Fire Rate2.0 of 5 (40%)40%
Average2.3 of 5 (46%)Upgraded: 2.5 of 5 (50%)46% / 50%
Uses standard ammunition. Holds clip with 8 rounds.
This weapon is available from the Weapons Shop once you've completed the first Convoy mission.
Star .45Back to top
Pistol (Secondary)Cost: 6DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 2DiamondsReliability upgrade: 2Diamonds 
Star .45 (Click to view large version)
Star .45
The Star .45 is a compact semi-automatic pistol manufactured by Star Bonifacio Echeverria of Spain. It's made from an aluminium alloy which makes it lightweight, but compared to steel-framed pistols it has a tendency of wearing out faster. It is loaded with .45 ACP cartridges in a detachable, internal magazine.
Damage1.5 of 5 (30%)30%
Range1.5 of 5 (30%)30%
Accuracy4.0 of 5 (80%)Upgraded: 4.5 of 5 (90%)80% / 90%
Reliability4.0 of 5 (80%)Upgraded: 4.5 of 5 (90%)80% / 90%
Fire Rate1.5 of 5 (30%)30%
Average2.5 of 5 (50%)Upgraded: 2.7 of 5 (54%)50% / 54%
Uses standard ammunition. Holds clip with 8 rounds.
This weapon can be bought from the Weapons Shop when you've completed the first Convoy mission. This weapon is also a common sidearm of enemies.
ShotgunsBack to top
Homeland 37Back to top
Shotgun (Primary)Cost: 4DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 1DiamondsReliability upgrade: 1Diamonds 
Homeland 37 (Click to view large version)
Homeland 37
This pump-action shotgun, also known as the Ithaca 37 Homeland Security, was introduced in 1937 and is still in production. It is light weight and supports ambidextrous handling due to a bottom ejection system.
Damage3.0 of 5 (60%)60%
Range1.0 of 5 (20%)20%
Accuracy2.5 of 5 (50%)Upgraded: 3.0 of 5 (60%)50% / 60%
Reliability4.5 of 5 (90%)Upgraded: 5.0 of 5 (100%)90% / 100%
Fire Rate1.0 of 5 (20%)20%
Average2.4 of 5 (48%)Upgraded: 2.6 of 5 (52%)48% / 52%
Uses standard ammunition. Holds 6 rounds fed manually.
This weapon can be bought from the Weapons Shop and it's available from the start of the game. Many militia also carry this weapon.
SPAS-12Back to top
Shotgun (Primary)Cost: 10DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 3DiamondsReliability upgrade: 3Diamonds 
SPAS-12 (Click to view large version)
The SPAS-12 was designed in the late 1970s by Italian Franchi S.p.A as a close combat weapon for use by the military and law enforcement. .
Damage3.0 of 5 (60%)60%
Range0.5 of 5 (10%)10%
Accuracy2.5 of 5 (50%)Upgraded: 3.0 of 5 (60%)50% / 60%
Reliability2.5 of 5 (50%)Upgraded: 3.0 of 5 (60%)50% / 60%
Fire Rate1.5 of 5 (30%)30%
Average2.0 of 5 (40%)Upgraded: 2.2 of 5 (44%)40% / 44%
Uses standard ammunition. Holds 6 rounds fed manually.
This weapon can be bought from the Weapons Shop, however only after you've completed the third Convoy mission. Once you gain enough reputation, you will begin to encounter militia wielding this weapon.
USAS-12Back to top
Shotgun (Primary)Cost: 35DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 8DiamondsReliability upgrade: 8Diamonds 
USAS-12 (Click to view large version)
This combat shotgun was designed by the Gilbert Equipment Co. in the 1980s and it is being produced by Korean Daewoo Precision Industries. The focus of this weapon was to provide sustained firepower in close-combat scenarios.
Damage2.0 of 5 (40%)40%
Range1.0 of 5 (20%)20%
Accuracy2.0 of 5 (40%)Upgraded: 3.0 of 5 (60%)40% / 60%
Reliability2.0 of 5 (40%)Upgraded: 3.0 of 5 (60%)40% / 60%
Fire Rate3.0 of 5 (60%)60%
Average2.0 of 5 (40%)Upgraded: 2.4 of 5 (48%)40% / 48%
Uses standard ammunition. Holds clip with 12 rounds.
You can find a USAS-12 inside the safehouse south-west of the Bus Stop in the north-western region of Leboa-Sako. This weapon can be bought at the Weapons Shop once you've completed the seventh Convoy mission.
SubmachinegunsBack to top
MAC-10Back to top
Submachinegun (Secondary)Cost: 10DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 3DiamondsReliability upgrade: 3Diamonds 
MAC-10 (Click to view large version)
Damage1.0 of 5 (20%)20%
Range1.5 of 5 (30%)30%
Accuracy4.0 of 5 (80%)Upgraded: 4.5 of 5 (90%)80% / 90%
Reliability2.0 of 5 (40%)Upgraded: 2.5 of 5 (50%)40% / 50%
Fire Rate5.0 of 5 (100%)100%
Average2.7 of 5 (54%)Upgraded: 2.9 of 5 (58%)54% / 58%
Uses standard ammunition. Holds clip with 30 rounds.
This weapon can be bought from the Weapons Shop once you've completed the second Convoy mission. Snipers in the early portion of the game carry this as a sidearm.
Silent MP-5Back to top
Submachinegun (Primary)Cost: 20DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 5DiamondsReliability upgrade: 5Diamonds 
Silent MP-5 (Click to view large version)
Silent MP-5
Damage1.0 of 5 (20%)20%
Range2.0 of 5 (40%)40%
Accuracy4.5 of 5 (90%)Upgraded: 5.0 of 5 (100%)90% / 100%
Reliability4.0 of 5 (80%)Upgraded: 4.5 of 5 (90%)80% / 90%
Fire Rate3.0 of 5 (60%)60%
Average2.9 of 5 (58%)Upgraded: 3.1 of 5 (62%)58% / 62%
Uses standard ammunition. Holds clip with 30 rounds.
Personal notes
The game lists this as an assault rifle which I find a bit strange since the MP-5 is a submachinegun (MP is an abbreviation of Machine Pistol); perhaps they decided to list it as an assault rifle since it's a primary weapon.
This weapon can be bought from the Weapons Shop, however only after you've completed the third Convoy mission.
UziBack to top
Submachinegun (Secondary)Cost: 20DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 5DiamondsReliability upgrade: 5Diamonds 
Uzi (Click to view large version)
The original design of the Uzi dates back to the 1950's created by Uziel Gal. The aim of the Uzi was to provide a compact firearm with a good rate of fire, ideal for clearing out confined spaces such as bunkers.
Damage2.0 of 5 (40%)40%
Range2.0 of 5 (40%)40%
Accuracy3.5 of 5 (70%)Upgraded: 4.0 of 5 (80%)70% / 80%
Reliability3.0 of 5 (60%)Upgraded: 3.5 of 5 (70%)60% / 70%
Fire Rate2.5 of 5 (50%)50%
Average2.6 of 5 (52%)Upgraded: 2.8 of 5 (56%)52% / 56%
Uses standard ammunition. Holds clip with 30 rounds.
This weapon is unlocked automatically when you gain access to Bowa Seko.
Assault RiflesBack to top
AK-47Back to top
Assault Rifle (Primary)Cost: 10DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 2DiamondsReliability upgrade: 2Diamonds 
AK-47 (Click to view large version)
The AK-47 is probably the most well-known assault rifle in the world as it's been used in dozens of countries in many conflicts around the world.
Damage2.0 of 5 (40%)40%
Range2.5 of 5 (50%)50%
Accuracy4.0 of 5 (80%)Upgraded: 4.5 of 5 (90%)80% / 90%
Reliability4.5 of 5 (90%)Upgraded: 5.0 of 5 (100%)90% / 100%
Fire Rate2.5 of 5 (50%)50%
Average3.1 of 5 (62%)Upgraded: 3.3 of 5 (66%)62% / 66%
Uses standard ammunition. Holds clip with 30 rounds.
Personal notes
There are two different kinds of AK-47's in the game; regular ones that are carried by milita and that you can buy from the Weapons Shop, and golden ones you can find in various places. The stats here are for the regular version. The golden version seems to be somewhat improved - it appears to have better accuracy and from what I've seen so far, they don't appear to get worn and thus won't ever jam. Click here to see a screenshot of the Golden AK-47.
This weapon can be bought from the Weapons Shop, however only after you've completed the second Convoy mission. You will also encounter militia armed with this rifle, although it's initially not as frequent as the G3-KA4.

You can use the Interactive maps to see the locations of the Golden AK-47's, but I've included their locations below as well for good measure. You can find three in Leboa-Sako:In Bowa Seko you can find a Golden AK-47 in the following places:
AR-16Back to top
Assault Rifle (Primary)Cost: 20DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 5DiamondsReliability upgrade: 5Diamonds 
AR-16 (Click to view large version)
Damage2.0 of 5 (40%)40%
Range2.5 of 5 (50%)50%
Accuracy5.0 of 5 (100%)Upgraded: 5.0 of 5 (100%)100% / 100%
Reliability2.5 of 5 (50%)Upgraded: 3.5 of 5 (70%)50% / 70%
Fire Rate3.0 of 5 (60%)60%
Average3.0 of 5 (60%)Upgraded: 3.2 of 5 (64%)60% / 64%
Uses standard ammunition. Holds clip with 30 rounds.
Personal notes
This rifle comes with a built-in reflex sight.
You can find this weapon in a safehouse south-east of North Railyard in the north-western region of Leboa-Sako. This weapon is available from a Weapons Shop once you've completed the sixth Convoy mission in Bowa Seko.
FAL ParatrooperBack to top
Assault Rifle (Primary)Cost: 10DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 3DiamondsReliability upgrade: 3Diamonds 
FAL Paratrooper (Click to view large version)
FAL Paratrooper
Damage2.0 of 5 (40%)40%
Range4.0 of 5 (80%)80%
Accuracy4.0 of 5 (80%)Upgraded: 4.5 of 5 (90%)80% / 90%
Reliability3.5 of 5 (70%)Upgraded: 4.0 of 5 (80%)70% / 80%
Fire Rate2.5 of 5 (50%)50%
Average3.2 of 5 (64%)Upgraded: 3.4 of 5 (68%)64% / 68%
Uses standard ammunition. Holds clip with 30 rounds.
This weapon is unlocked automatically when you gain access to Bowa Seko. Once you gain enough reputation you'll start to encounter militia carrying this rifle.
G3-KA4Back to top
Assault Rifle (Primary)Cost: 6DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 3DiamondsReliability upgrade: 3Diamonds 
G3-KA4 (Click to view large version)
Damage1.5 of 5 (30%)30%
Range2.0 of 5 (40%)40%
Accuracy3.0 of 5 (60%)Upgraded: 3.5 of 5 (70%)60% / 70%
Reliability2.0 of 5 (40%)Upgraded: 2.5 of 5 (50%)40% / 50%
Fire Rate2.0 of 5 (40%)40%
Average2.1 of 5 (42%)Upgraded: 2.3 of 5 (46%)42% / 46%
Uses standard ammunition. Holds clip with 30 rounds.
This weapon can be bought from the Weapons Shop and it's available from the start of the game. During the early stages of the game this is the most common assault rifle used by enemies.
Sniper RiflesBack to top
AS50Back to top
Sniper Rifle (Primary)Cost: 35DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 8DiamondsReliability upgrade: 8Diamonds 
AS50 (Click to view large version)
The Accuracy International AS50 is a large caliber semi-automatic sniper rifle produced in Britain.
Damage5.0 of 5 (100%)100%
Range5.0 of 5 (100%)100%
Accuracy3.0 of 5 (60%)Upgraded: 3.5 of 5 (70%)60% / 70%
Reliability2.5 of 5 (50%)Upgraded: 3.0 of 5 (60%)50% / 60%
Fire Rate1.0 of 5 (20%)20%
Average3.3 of 5 (66%)Upgraded: 3.5 of 5 (70%)66% / 70%
Uses standard ammunition. Holds clip with 5 rounds.
Personal notes
The scope on this rifle has better magnification than those on the M1903 and Dragunov SVD.
You can find this weapon inside the safehouse in the southern part of the north-eastern region of Leboa-Sako. This weapon can be bought from the Weapons Shop after you've completed the fifth Convoy mission.
Dart RifleBack to top
Sniper Rifle (Special)Cost: 10DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 3DiamondsReliability upgrade: 3Diamonds 
Dart Rifle (Click to view large version)
Dart Rifle
Damage5.0 of 5 (100%)100%
Range5.0 of 5 (100%)100%
Accuracy3.0 of 5 (60%)Upgraded: 3.5 of 5 (70%)60% / 70%
Reliability2.5 of 5 (50%)Upgraded: 3.0 of 5 (60%)50% / 60%
Fire Rate1.0 of 5 (20%)20%
Average3.3 of 5 (66%)Upgraded: 3.5 of 5 (70%)66% / 70%
Uses standard ammunition. 1 round fed manually.
Personal notes
I haven't really used the Dart Rifle that much yet - but once I picked it up I did notice that you, sadly, cannot go hunting wild life with it; the darts simply seem to go right through any animals in the game. Although this, in many aspects, is a powerful rifle it's marred by it's extremely slow firing rate - you'll have to manually load a new dart after each shot.
This weapon can be bought from the Weapons Shop, however only after you've completed the fourth Convoy mission.
Dragunov SVDBack to top
Sniper Rifle (Primary)Cost: 20DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 5DiamondsReliability upgrade: 5Diamonds 
Dragunov SVD (Click to view large version)
Dragunov SVD
The Dragunov SVD (Snayperskaya Vintovka Dragunova ~ "Dragunov Sniper Rifle") is a semi-automatic, gas-operated rifle and was originally designed to extend the effective range of infantry squads, and was as such not a "traditional" sniper rifle. It was adopted by the Soviet Military in 1963, and the rifle has seen use in various conflicts including the Vietnam War, the Soviet war in Afghanistan, and the Iraq War.
Damage3.5 of 5 (70%)70%
Range5.0 of 5 (100%)100%
Accuracy3.0 of 5 (60%)Upgraded: 3.5 of 5 (70%)60% / 70%
Reliability3.0 of 5 (60%)Upgraded: 3.5 of 5 (70%)60% / 70%
Fire Rate1.5 of 5 (30%)30%
Average3.2 of 5 (64%)Upgraded: 3.4 of 5 (68%)64% / 68%
Uses standard ammunition. Holds clip with 10 rounds.
Personal notes
Probably my most favorite standard weapon in the game (so far). It eliminates the main drawback for the M1903 since it by having a larger clip size and each spent round is automatically ejected.
This weapon can be bought from the Weapons Shop once you've completed the fourth Convoy mission. Once you gain enough reputation you'll start to encounter enemy snipers carrying this rifle.
M1903Back to top
Sniper Rifle (Primary)Cost: 10DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 3DiamondsReliability upgrade: 3Diamonds 
M1903 (Click to view large version)
The Springfield 1903 is a bolt-action rifle that was introduced as the standard service rifle of the american army in 1903. Although the rifle was later replaced by the M1 Garand, it still served as a sniper rifle during the second World War, the Korean War and the earlier stages of the Vietnam War.
Damage4.0 of 5 (80%)80%
Range5.0 of 5 (100%)100%
Accuracy3.5 of 5 (70%)Upgraded: 4.0 of 5 (80%)70% / 80%
Reliability2.0 of 5 (40%)Upgraded: 2.5 of 5 (50%)40% / 50%
Fire Rate0.5 of 5 (10%)10%
Average3.0 of 5 (60%)Upgraded: 3.2 of 5 (64%)60% / 64%
Uses standard ammunition. Holds clip with 5 rounds.
Personal notes
This is a decent sniper rifle especially during the early stages of the game. The main drawbacks are it's limited clip size and the fact that you have to eject the spent round between shots, which severely decreases its fire rate.
This weapon is available from the start of the game. During the earlier stages of the game you'll encounter snipers carrying this rifle.
MachinegunsBack to top
M-249 SAWBack to top
Light Machinegun (Special)Cost: 20DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 5DiamondsReliability upgrade: 5Diamonds 
M-249 SAW (Click to view large version)
M-249 SAW
Damage2.0 of 5 (40%)40%
Range1.0 of 5 (20%)20%
Accuracy3.0 of 5 (60%)Upgraded: 3.5 of 5 (70%)60% / 70%
Reliability3.0 of 5 (60%)Upgraded: 3.5 of 5 (70%)60% / 70%
Fire Rate3.0 of 5 (60%)60%
Average2.4 of 5 (48%)Upgraded: 2.6 of 5 (52%)48% / 52%
Uses standard ammunition. Holds cartridge with 100 rounds.
This weapon can be found inside a safehouse in the northern part of the southern region of Leboa-Sako. This weapon can be bought from the Weapons Shop, however only after you've completed the fifth Convoy mission.
PKMBack to top
Light Machinegun (Special)Cost: 10DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 3DiamondsReliability upgrade: 3Diamonds 
PKM (Click to view large version)
Damage2.0 of 5 (40%)40%
Range1.0 of 5 (20%)20%
Accuracy2.5 of 5 (50%)Upgraded: 3.0 of 5 (60%)50% / 60%
Reliability4.5 of 5 (90%)Upgraded: 5.0 of 5 (100%)90% / 100%
Fire Rate2.5 of 5 (50%)50%
Average2.5 of 5 (50%)Upgraded: 2.7 of 5 (54%)50% / 54%
Uses standard ammunition. Holds cartridge with 100 rounds.
This weapon is available from the start of the game.
Grenade LaunchersBack to top
M-79 Grenade LauncherBack to top
Grenade Launcher (Secondary)Cost: 20DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 5DiamondsReliability upgrade: 5Diamonds 
M-79 Grenade Launcher (Click to view large version)
M-79 Grenade Launcher
The M-79 Grenade Launcher was first used extensively during the Vietnam War, and saw its initial use in 1961. The purpose of the M-79 was to provide a superior alternative to rifle grenades and mortars, offering better accuracy and portability.
Damage4.5 of 5 (90%)90%
Range2.5 of 5 (50%)50%
Accuracy3.0 of 5 (60%)Upgraded: 3.5 of 5 (70%)60% / 70%
Reliability4.0 of 5 (80%)Upgraded: 4.5 of 5 (90%)80% / 90%
Fire Rate0.5 of 5 (10%)10%
Average2.9 of 5 (58%)Upgraded: 3.1 of 5 (62%)58% / 62%
Uses explosives. 1 round fed manually.
This weapon is available from the Weapons Shop after you complete the fourth Convoy mission.
MGL-140Back to top
Grenade Launcher (Primary)Cost: 35DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 8DiamondsReliability upgrade: 8Diamonds 
MGL-140 (Click to view large version)
The Multiple Grenade Launcher (MGL) is a semi-automatic, six-shot grenade launcher developed by the Milkor company in South Africa. It uses a revolver-like magazine, and the cylinder is spring-loaded and rotates automatically while firing; this provides a superior fire-rate compared to traditional grenade launchers such as the M-79.
Damage4.5 of 5 (90%)90%
Range3.5 of 5 (70%)70%
Accuracy4.0 of 5 (80%)Upgraded: 5.0 of 5 (100%)80% / 100%
Reliability4.0 of 5 (80%)Upgraded: 5.0 of 5 (100%)80% / 100%
Fire Rate0.5 of 5 (10%)10%
Average3.3 of 5 (66%)Upgraded: 3.7 of 5 (74%)66% / 74%
Uses explosives. Holds clip with 4 rounds.
Personal notes
This is a great weapon that packs quite a punch. The clip of four grenades makes it easy to dish out alot of damage in little time, however the weapon does take a bit of time to reload; refer to this tip for a method on how to reduce the reload time.
You can find a MGL-140 inside the safehouse in the south-eastern part of the eastern region of Leboa-Sako. You can buy this weapon from the Weapons Shop once you complete the eighth and final Convoy mission.
Rocket LaunchersBack to top
Carl G Rocket LauncherBack to top
Rocket Launcher (Special)Cost: 35DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 8DiamondsReliability upgrade: 8Diamonds 
Carl G Rocket Launcher (Click to view large version)
Carl G Rocket Launcher
Damage5.0 of 5 (100%)100%
Range4.0 of 5 (80%)80%
Accuracy3.5 of 5 (70%)Upgraded: 4.5 of 5 (90%)70% / 90%
Reliability2.5 of 5 (50%)Upgraded: 3.5 of 5 (70%)50% / 70%
Fire Rate0.5 of 5 (10%)10%
Average3.1 of 5 (62%)Upgraded: 3.5 of 5 (70%)62% / 70%
Uses explosives. 1 round fed manually.
Personal notes
This rocket launcher seems to be more precise than the RPG-7 Rocket Launcher, not only due to the built-in scope. It also seems less prone to misfires which is a bit strange seeing this rocket launcher has poorer reliability than the RPG-7.
You can find this weapon inside the safehouse in the northern part of the central region in Leboa-Sako. The Carl G is available from Weapons Shop when you complete the seventh Convoy mission.
RPG-7 Rocket LauncherBack to top
Rocket Launcher (Special)Cost: 20DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 5DiamondsReliability upgrade: 5Diamonds 
RPG-7 Rocket Launcher (Click to view large version)
RPG-7 Rocket Launcher
Damage5.0 of 5 (100%)100%
Range4.0 of 5 (80%)80%
Accuracy3.0 of 5 (60%)Upgraded: 3.5 of 5 (70%)60% / 70%
Reliability3.0 of 5 (60%)Upgraded: 3.5 of 5 (70%)60% / 70%
Fire Rate0.5 of 5 (10%)10%
Average3.1 of 5 (62%)Upgraded: 3.3 of 5 (66%)62% / 66%
Uses explosives. 1 round fed manually.
Personal notes
The RPG-7 is somewhat prone to misfires which usually means that the rocket will hit anything but it's intended target; the misfires can, however, be quite funny as the rocket will fly out of control in quite a spectacular way.
This weapon can be bought from the Weapons Shop after you've completed the second Convoy mission.
Flare PistolBack to top
Flare Pistol (Secondary)Cost: 4DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 1DiamondsReliability upgrade: 1Diamonds 
Flare Pistol (Click to view large version)
Flare Pistol
Damage1.0 of 5 (20%)20%
Range3.0 of 5 (60%)60%
Accuracy3.0 of 5 (60%)Upgraded: 3.5 of 5 (70%)60% / 70%
Reliability3.0 of 5 (60%)Upgraded: 3.5 of 5 (70%)60% / 70%
Fire Rate0.5 of 5 (10%)10%
Average2.1 of 5 (42%)Upgraded: 2.3 of 5 (46%)42% / 46%
Uses fuel. 1 round fed manually.
Personal notes
What's a bit weird is the fact that this weapon uses fuel as its ammunition - I'd have guessed at explosives myself. Oh well. Sometimes when you attack areas inhabited by militia they may use a flare pistol to call for backup; usually this means that an assault truck will come rushing. I really like this "weapon" - it reminds me of the Flare Gun from the game "Blood". It enables you to set areas (and people!) on fire.
This weapon can be bought from the Weapons Shop once you've completed the second Convoy mission.
IEDBack to top
Explosive (Secondary)Cost: 10DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: N/AReliability upgrade: N/A 
IED (Click to view large version)
Damage5.0 of 5 (100%)100%
Fire Rate0%
A single remotely detonated explosive device.
Personal notes
You can drop several explosives before detonating them. When you drop an IED you'll automatically change to the remote detonator; press the Iron Sight button (usually the second mouse button) to switch back to IEDs.
This weapon can be bought from the Weapons Shop.
LPO-50Back to top
Flamethrower (Special)Cost: 20DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 5DiamondsReliability upgrade: 5Diamonds 
LPO-50 (Click to view large version)
The 'Liquid' Plamya Obretz 50, or LPO-50 for short, was a "Light Infantry Flamethrower" introduced some time around the 1960's in the Soviet Union.
Damage3.0 of 5 (60%)60%
Range0.5 of 5 (10%)10%
Accuracy4.5 of 5 (90%)Upgraded: 5.0 of 5 (100%)90% / 100%
Reliability4.0 of 5 (80%)Upgraded: 4.5 of 5 (90%)80% / 90%
Fire Rate0.5 of 5 (10%)10%
Average2.5 of 5 (50%)Upgraded: 2.7 of 5 (54%)50% / 54%
Uses fuel. Holds enough for about 30 seconds of continuous flamethrowing action.
Personal notes
This is another really fun weapon to use since it's quite versatile. Although I wouldn't call myself a pyromaniac, setting stuff on fire in Far Cry 2 is just plain fun!
This weapon can be bought from the Weapons Shop, however only after you've completed the third Convoy mission.
Type 63 MortarBack to top
Mortar (Special)Cost: 20DiamondsAccuracy upgrade: 5DiamondsReliability upgrade: 5Diamonds 
Type 63 Mortar (Click to view large version)
Type 63 Mortar
Damage5.0 of 5 (100%)100%
Range4.0 of 5 (80%)80%
Accuracy2.0 of 5 (40%)Upgraded: 3.0 of 5 (60%)40% / 60%
Reliability2.0 of 5 (40%)Upgraded: 3.0 of 5 (60%)40% / 60%
Fire Rate0.5 of 5 (10%)10%
Average2.7 of 5 (54%)Upgraded: 3.1 of 5 (62%)54% / 62%
Uses explosives. 1 round fed manually.
Personal notes
When using the mortar, hold down the Iron Sight button (typically the second mouse button) to ready the mortar; use the mouse to move the barrel forward or backwards to increase or decrease the range of the mortar shell. Hold down the Iron Sight button after you fire to keep focus on the round. Initially, the blue shell you have ready is a tracer round which will just emit yellow smoke - use this to aim the mortar. Press the Reload button to switch to an explosive (red) shell. While you have an endless supply of tracer rounds you can only carry a limited number of explosive shells.
You can find a mortar inside a house in the central desert between Leboa-Sako and Bowa Seko.

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